Jon Raiford wrote:
> The problem with putting a conversion board in a dedicated game is that the roller speed is different. I forget if it is more or less sensitive, but it is different. Putting a dedicated board in a conversion may have problems, I'm not sure. There is a board hack on the conversion boards to send the raw DAC outputs to the conversion board. If this hack is not in place (like on a dedicated board), you are sending different signals to the conversion board than what it expects.
Everything will work fine on a board swap with either one. There are only minor
differences. The DAC 'hack' is only there so that the additional display correction
circuitry (for fixing the bowed picture when used on a WG, just like Clay's Display
Corrector) will work.
The Spinner is another beast. It doesn't put out the clock cycles quite like the normal
roller does. This means that some manuvers are much more tricky with the spinner. If you
take a look at the schematics and look at the LETA chip, you will see that it has a
'resoulution' pin. I think it is pulled high by default, if you attach this to ground then
the LETA chip will become much more sensitive to the spinner and you can pretty much do
anything you want with rex havoc.
Dont' try this with a roller tho, it gets a bit out of control. Lots of wall slamming.
> Jon
> At 09:58 AM 12/06/1999 -0500, you wrote:
> >Are there any differences between Major Havoc boards for Tempest and Space
> >Duel conversions (other than a different interface board)? Is there any
> >difference between a conversion board and a dedicated board other than the
> >crystal speed that Clay mentioned previously? Will there be any problems
> >putting a conversion board in a dedicated game or vice versa?
> >
> >Joe
> >
> >
Received on Mon Dec 6 10:10:01 1999
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