Christopher X. Candreva said...
]I've found that Atari vector cabinets are large enough to hide quite a few
]presents. Working coin/back door locks are a added bonus.
My Space Duel isn't so happy now, so maybe I'd store stuff in there. I just
don't have anyone living with me who I have to hide stuff from! (No
kids...and the nephews and niece live in their respective parents' houses!)
Though it's not such a bad idea to hide things, it gets easier as you get
older (and busier) to hide things from oneself! I seem to "misplace"
things a lot easier... I guess I'm just not paying engough attention. So
that means I don't pay myself enough. Pay raises at work are in February.
I get that raise, and pay myself better. So I'll find all those presents I
hid by April.....
Now about that SD. WDT. Still working on it when I can. I'm going to try
the ole "Put the + lead of a VOM to the chassis (with the unit turned off)
and pin out with the negative lead" deal. I feel like I'll find some logic
stuck in a "huh?" state. I didn't see any activity on two ROMs' test
points. Gotta be a clock driver issue.
I'll have some pics of the cabinet soon - back in '92 I bought it from a
small, local gameroom behind a donut shop. $165. The guy had two tempests,
but he said "The guy working for me replaced the monitor with a brand new
one, but he grabbed the neck when he installed it and the whole thing is now
sitting in the back room. I can't get to either of them yet, what with all
the boxes in the way." I should have nabbed them when I had the chance.
Imagine seeing the Space Duel hanging out of the back of a Volkswagen
Rabbit. Yes, that's what I used to transport it. I was afraid the front
end would lift off the gound on every bump we drove over on the highway.
Take care, and happy holidays to all.
Received on Wed Dec 22 09:38:48 1999
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