Major Havoc Hell (Part II)

From: Josh McCormick <>
Date: Fri Dec 24 1999 - 16:35:22 EST

Got Krazykatt1 to send me a replacement vector ROM for the PCB, and a new
conversion board. The ROM fixed the image problems. But the placement
conversion board did not.

The board, in self test, indicates that the Pokeys have problems. (Have
replaced all four pokies out, two times each.) The quad pokey eliminator
board looks good. Plugs in squarely, too.

The game ignores all input from the spinner and the buttons, except when
SuperZapper is hit, the game resets. It is not capable of making real

However, if I turn up the volume very loud in test mode, I can hear two
alternating humming type noises (and the frequency and pitch of the
alternation varies with the different test screens... rather slow
alternation pattery... 1/2 second?)

Should I still suspect another bad MH->TEMPEST conversion board?
(Can someone LOAN me one?!!)

I really should have worked the list before I went to eBay. (Warning:
obvious ploy for empathy coming up.) I wanted one REALLY BAD. Ended up
shelling out $300 for the PCB/Converter set. This really blows.

[I do take responsibility for it -- I could have done much better.]

Received on Fri Dec 24 15:35:24 1999

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