Re: 19VLUP22

From: Jon Raiford <>
Date: Wed Dec 29 1999 - 10:44:41 EST

An oddball tube? Are you sure about that? I thought it was the same as G07's and
most color TV's. If anything, I thought the Amplifone had the oddball tube even though
the pinout was the same as most. If it really does use an odd tube, then I'll have even
more "fun" throwing WG boards on my 720->MH conversion. I really didn't want to
get into changing the pins on the neck board. Btw, any idea what I can use for holding
the chasis transistors for my little hack? I was planning to destroy a bunch of AR2's
to use the heat sinks (since they already have the socket for the transistor and they
are a dime a dozen), however I feel really bad about destroying anything made by
Atari.. Does anyone have a better idea? I'd love to hear it.


At 10:28 PM 12/28/1999 -0600, you wrote:

> > this saves a lot of shippings costs, they only want the $165 + 8 percent to get
> > it to my door. Total amount would be &200.
> >
> > Does this seem to be a good deal or is it a rip-off to get my WG6100 running
> > again? (Ofcourse with NO screenburn!)
>Since it's sort of an oddball tube (100 degree deflection angle and
>non-standard tip), what can you do but pay it? (or try to find one
>used) The rate seems OK, considering I paid $140 for a new one back in
>1992 from the local TV repair shop.
>However, are you sure you have a bad tube? :-)
>Noel Johnson
Received on Wed Dec 29 09:42:10 1999

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