I think this was hammered out here a year or two ago...check the archives.
I have certainly seen Atari use the 561's in Asteroids etc. Don't know why
they wouldn't work here if the pinout is the same. Of course, it's a little
easier for my I have hundreds of old oddball ICs lying around and I just
stuff in a socket and then test it out. I don't usually have to actually go
out and buy these old timer chips...also a large stock of "parts" boards.
The curse of being a pack-rat who runs an archival game business.
John :-#)#
At 09:10 AM 1/3/2000 -0800, you wrote:
> > I didn't see that anyone replied to this message,
> > but I could be
> > wrong, so if this is redundant info, sue me... :)
> > The Tempest schematics show the board with both the
> > 3410s and the
> > 6012s. So, for all intents and purposes, the MC3410
> > is a replacement for
> > the 6012, in Atari Color Vector boards. As far as I
> > know, all of the
> > boards have the "option" to be populated with
> > MC3410s (and there are some
> > other circuit differences.)
> >
> > I don't think MC3410s arereally any easier to find
> > them AM6012s,
> > I'm afraid...
> >
> > Joe
>Thanks Joe for the response! I have learned a little
>more since I posted that message. After researching
>possible replacements for the AM6012PC I concluded
>that Analog Device's DAC312 might be a drop in
>replacement at a cost of around $6.50 to $8.00 per
>chip. The DAC312 is a currently manufactured chip.
>Then I did a web search for "DAC312" and I got the
>arcade schematics/data sheets page on www.spies.com as
>a hit... Doh!
>Per Spies it also appears that a drop in replacement
>for the MC3410 is Analog Device's AD561.
>Has anyone successfully used the either the DAC312 or
>AD561 on a Tempest board?
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John's Jukes Ltd. 2343 Main St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T 3C9
Call (604)872-5757 or Fax 872-2010 (Pinballs, Jukes, Video Games)
"Old pinballers never die, they just flip out."
Received on Mon Jan 3 12:10:14 2000
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