Re: Tempest on top as we go into the new millennium

From: Eric Clayberg <>
Date: Tue Jan 04 2000 - 15:17:29 EST


>A quick glance reveals that you have a classic arcade? my basement. ;-) It's open to any VAPS, RGVAC or Vectorlist
person who wants to visit (and quite a few have done so).

>How does that work exactly? (how well does it do is probably a better

Since everything is on free play and there is no charge to stop by, I guess
it works pretty well. ;-)

>No wonder you buy so much stuff off ebay :)

Interestingly enough, only about 1/3 of my machines came from eBay. The
rest came from local operators, warehouses, coin-op auctions and
RGVAC/VAPS/Vectorlist folks.

Received on Tue Jan 4 14:22:42 2000

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