Kev wrote:
> "Magiera, Joe (AIT)" wrote:
> Don't forget how E-bay changed the market of games/parts in RGVAC also.
> The signal to noise ratio of Sales that still proliferate in RGVAC turn many
> off as does the increased juvenile post (29 of 59 post in RGVAC in my que are
> FS/FA or related).
I kust read it throug a FA/WTB/BUT/TRACE/FS filter, and it does it job very
well. But the level of the other subjects left rarely exceeds the level of
replacing some fuses... :(
> KLOV I understand but what is the point of VAPS? (Keep in mind I don't even
> own a working Pac-Man machine.)
Same question here...
Cya !
Received on Tue Jan 4 17:28:12 2000
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