On Thu, 6 Jan 2000, John Robertson wrote:
> This is not very vector, is it? Lets try and force this back on topic: Did
> Nolan design any Vector games?
That's probably a tough call. If memory serves, I think a lot of
the early Atari Vector work was done by Howard Delman, and a few other
guys who's names I'm not positive of (I want to say Harry Jenkins, Roger
Hector, and Ed Rotberg, but I'm probably including/forgetting somebody
that shouldn't/should be there) in "transition Atari," but after Atari was
owned by Warner. However it's unclear what, if any, impact Nolan had on
these guys (Delman, at least, was hired by Nolan.)
"Zap: The Rise and Fall of Atari" talks about Atari Vector games
a little bit...
Received on Thu Jan 6 17:52:16 2000
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