RE: various vector...

From: jeff hendrix <>
Date: Tue Jan 11 2000 - 18:28:42 EST

What happened to the way the list use to be run?
Where someone could post an occasional FS post as long as everything they
were selling was listed in one post and it wasn't repeated.
I use to look forward to seeing an occasional for sale post on here. It
meant that I might have a chance to pick up something that I'm looking for,
unlike the newsgroups where something cool will disappear .001 seconds after
it's posted to some wannabe collector that only buys it so they can sell it
on eBay.

Honestly, I would rather see someone post a FS here (vector related of
course) and keep these games in the hands of those of us that appreciate and
know how to take care of them.

What I hate most is all the noise generated by those that are complaining
about how the noise ratio should be kept down.
The NFSP/SP (Noise from sale post/sale post) ratio has got to be over 1000.

Without people like Clay, we would be missing out on one of the best
resources this group has had.
Or should we just kick him off and to teach him a lesson we should tear out
all of our multigames and send them back to him. And while we are at it,
send back all the sega boards to Mark, and all CPOs to Roy and you can even
send me back all the LV2000s I've sold on this list, that should teach
everyone a lesson.


Neil, if you start a new mailing list and run it like the old one, I'll be
there along with Clay and about 90% of this list.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2000 3:40 PM
Subject: Re: various vector...

> Clay Cowgill wrote:
> > I'm afraid I just can't get along with this rule. There's too many
> > exceptions. "Push" commerce isn't allowed except for reproductions and
> > whatnot... What the hell? It's still selling something. Presumably
> > seller still makes money-- presumably the product is available in even
> > *greater* quantities than original parts. Selling a reproduction
> > panel is OK, but selling an original isn't? Huh? "Pull" commerce is OK
> > too? ('I need a such-and-such')

        You're 100% right. Change what I said in the last post to NO
commerce. Period. No exceptions. I'm sick and tired of trying to bend
like a pretzel to satisfy everyone. I realize that that's not going to
happen. There are plenty of places to post FS and WTB posts. This list
doesn't need to be one of them. The whole schpiel about giving vector
collectors a break was kind of bogus anyway. Anyone subscribed to the
list knows who its members are. If you want to give a special deal to
vector collectors, post the stuff for sale somewhere else and give the
vector collectors a special deal. What you do with what you sell is your
perrogative, no matter where you post it for sale.

> > Since this isn't my list to direct, I will respect the wishes of the
> > as a whole and simply unsubscribe. I'm afraid I just liked the "old
> > better when I could find parts and equipment in forsale posts and if the
> > discussion drifted off topic I didn't need to worry about a federal
> > inquiry-- or being an "offender". :-( I haven't used a 2400bps modem in
> > years, so bandwidth isn't a concern-- and I'm quick with the 'delete'
key if
> > I don't like something I see.

        It's not a matter of bandwidth (I just saw a joke that said
that all the people who complain about bandwidth wasting should
abbreviate bandwidth by "bndwdth" to save over 20% of the
bandwidth.) It's a matter of the point/niche of the list. This list has
consistently maintained a much higher SNR, IMHO, than RGVAC, arcade list,
and any other forum for discussion of arcade games, IMHO because its
content has been somewhat restricted to technical stuff.

        If you feel the need to unsubscribe (again) and make a scene over
it, that's fine. My violin is still in its case.

Received on Tue Jan 11 17:29:27 2000

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