> anything long term. Everything will be peachy until the eBayers show up,
> and then history will just repeat itself, and you'll be forced to post
> list policy messages/take action just like we are now. I don't mean to
> sound corny, but it's my opinion that we need to learn from history and
> not repeat it by letting for sale posts permeate into a technical forum.
I do have some experience in this department. ;-)
The same thing happened in the synthesizer community. I ran (and still
run) several analog synthesizer devoted mailing lists and have since 1994.
Most of the time was spent moderating pissing matches between ANALog
enthusiasts, but the FS issue came up. I tried the separate list approach
- it failed. Everyone still posted messages to the main list and everyone
forgot about the FS list. So the happy medium was a hard rule - when you
have something for sale, put FS: in the subject. For auction? FA:. Want to
buy? WTB:. That way those who didn't care about the FS/FA/WTB posts could
set their mail filters up to skip them entirely. I policed the list -
informed people when they forgot to do it, and the response made everyone
And there is a HUGE parallel between video game enthusiasts and
synthesizer nuts. ;-)
Neil Bradley Synthcom home : http://www.synthcom.com
Synthcom Systems, Inc. Y2K Dumbness - "Instant noodle meals are disappearing."
ICQ # 29402898 "Hordes coming for my Ramen stash? I'm getting my gun."
Received on Tue Jan 11 23:13:39 2000
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