Well, I guess it's my turn.
Hello. It's me, the offender.
It's true. I've targeted the Vector List to peddle my wares. I've sold 90%
of my CPOs through the VL, and without it I probably wouldn't have pursued
this aspect of the hobby. But let's get a few things straight:
1) I've produced my CPOs as a way of contributing back to the VL. If you
total all the "profit" I've made from these sales it's equivilent to about 2
days (ok, 3 days) of my normal salaray. I'm not saying I make a lot. I'm
saying that my sales were not profit motivated. I've spent hundreds of hours
redrawing CPOs and countless hours stressing over quality of materials.
Although I've enjoyed this aspect of the hobby, I must that I'm getting a
bit burned out and am happy to find an excuse to stop.
2) The VL is an invaluable resource. The information that passes through
this list server has been the most informative and of the highest quality of
all sources I've found since I've entered this hobby.
3) I think that a technical only VL is too restrictive. If someone wants to
know the number of Quantums produced or someone wants to forward an email
about the creation of a vector game by the original creator I think this is
very much on topic. *If* I choose to make any more CPOs and would like to
gain an understanding about the differences between a rev B and a rev C (for
example) Quantum CPO, I feel that is very much on topic. If someone wants to
know how to stop their Tempest spinner from buzzing ($21 from
http://memb.... oops, sorry ;) well, I guess that's where the gray area
4) Although I think the VLFS list is a neat idea, we must keep in mind that
the VL *is* the VL. Regardless of who owns it, this *is* the place for
vector related intercourse (in the dictionary sense). Simply because I
cannot post my FS listings here doesn't mean I'm prepared to abandon it.
5) Yes, I will probably subscribe to the new and improved for sale related
VL, but we should not be so quick to abandon the very medium that has
brought us all together simply because a little hiccup in continuity. I have
no *allegiance* to this VL, but c'mon! This is THE vector list. As
contributing (and lurking) members we have an obligation to make it work.
To this end I recommend the following: A vote. I know it's not a democracy,
but in typical user focused design (my area of expertise) we usually ask the
users what they want. From that we distill a set of guidelines and build
from that. We will never be able to satisfy everyone, but it wouldn't hurt
to ask.
I suggest that somebody (I can't. I have neither the time or the resources
right now) set up a website that requires the entry of a valid VL subscriber
ID and poses several key questions about the kind of content that should be
acceptable on the VL. From this new rules could be established.
Or not. Regardless, the VL is great and I hope it lives on.
Received on Tue Jan 11 23:58:47 2000
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