Re: various vector...

From: Steven Winslow <>
Date: Wed Jan 12 2000 - 13:02:50 EST


"A total VECTOR experience with technical and (VECTOR) parts available here."

Is this so bad ?

At 02:26 AM 1/12/00 GMT, you wrote:
>I hardly ever contribute, unfortunately, but I do learn a fair amount by
>lurking. I love the vector related FS posts. There are so few on the list it
>seems ridiculous not to allow VECTOR related FS posts. If someone would
start a
>list with FS's allowed please LMK.
> If the list is to help the subscribers, why not take a quick head count on
>selling vector stuff and change the rule if necessary. Why is this no
sales rule
>set in stone?
>Seems we've wasted more time with discussing FS stuff than if it was allowed.
>Why not require FS in the subject line so it could easily be filtered by
>"few" that are offended, and let the rest of us enjoy a total vector
>with tech and parts available here?
>On Tue, 11 Jan 2000 15:09:57 -0800 (PST), you wrote:
>>So if it's decided that there's zero tolerance policy for sales of any
>>sort, I'll start a list on Synthcom. Arguing about such petty shit is a
>>waste of time, and severly off topic. The people on this list and their
>>posts are quite valuable, including the for sale posts, so don't make
>>those of us who do appreciate relevant forsale posts suffer because of
>>an emotional inability to hit the delete key.
Received on Wed Jan 12 11:57:20 2000

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