Re: Farewell to UT's vectorlist

From: <>
Date: Wed Jan 12 2000 - 20:25:48 EST

>> In any case, everyone needs to know that there was no ill feelings
>> anywhere on my part. I had an overwhelming number of requests (18 so far)
> Tee-Hee. That's pretty funny. Right before its demise, there
>were about 175 people subscribed to the list. 18/175 = 10.3% Not an
>overwhelming majority by any means. Most people forget that the concept
>of the "Silent Majority" is generally valid.

        No, it isn't, because the desires of the "silent majority" cannot be
known since, by definition, they don't express them. You can no more prove
that the "silent majority" agrees with you, than Neil could prove that they
agree with _him_, so their opinions are irrelevant. (But then again,
that's just me; I'm one of those reactionary types who still subscribes to
the notion that if you can't be bothered to go vote at election time, you
have no right to bitch about who winds up in office as a result.)

        Personally, _this_ particular member of the (formerly) "silent
majority" came across this thread a little late in the game - so, when it
became apparant that (a) you were (IMO) behaving irrationally, and (b)
Neil's list was a /fait accompli/, I just subscribed to it without seeing
any need to advertise the fact.

> Starting a "rogue vectorlist" sealed the fate of both vectorlists,
>IMHO. You've not solved anything.

        "Rogue"? Where is it stated that anyone needs _your_ permission to
start a new list if they don't like the way things are being run here? All
Neil did was decide "I'm not happy with the way this list is being run
anymore, and rather than get into a pissing contest with the list owners
over it I'm just gonna start my own and run it the way _I_ want." It is
_you_, and Paul, who sealed the fate of this list - you by being
dictatorial and childish, and Paul by deciding he doesn't want the hassle
anymore. (Not that I blame him for not wanting to clean up your mess.)

> Even when my personal situations sort themselves out, I,
>personally will not subscribe to your list, strictly on principle.

        The phrase "cutting off your nose to spite your face" comes to mind
here... but, if you really want to be _that_ petty about not having gotten
your way, I suppose we'll just _have_ to force ourselves to get along
without you...
(Preferably with a wrecking ball and some dynamite.)
solarfox@DON' (Gary Akins jr.)
Received on Wed Jan 12 19:26:08 2000

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