I don't know how in-depth you want the FAQ to be, but the old "my
B&W monitor is blooming, what do I do?/HV diode replacement" question seems
to come up fairly often.
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Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 20:31:39 -0700
From: Jess Askey <jess@magenta.com>
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Hi all,
Im in the middle of writing up a vectorlist FAQ that will cover most things
that seem to come up every 6 months. It is at...
I have about 14 'items' up there right now and Im not sure of what else to add
or if it will be fine as is. Suggestions would be appreciated if anyone can
think of stuff to add (or remove).
Keep in mind that since it isn't done, I havent' finished the answers to many of
the questions yet. :-0 I should have it nice by friday night.
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Received on Thu Jan 13 10:04:34 2000
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