I am...
> Peter Fyfe wrote:
> Dear all,
> Given Joel's problems with his BZ, I have made up some signature analysis
> guides for some of the vector (and raster) Atari games. I pretty much knew
> nothing of SA when I started but with some help from Joe and Kev I figured
> that the best way to learn was to dive and have a bash. I have guides for
> Lunar Lander, Asteroids, Asteroids Deluxe, Battlezone, Tempest (Missile
> Command and Centipede but they won't be of any interest to anyone here). The
> signatures will apply to the HP5004A only (may apply to other HP models but
> definately not CAT or Fluke). The guides will cover what I would call the
> 'front end' section of the boards, ROMs (vector and program), address buffers,
> address decoders, data buffers (vector and program), clock circuit (maybe),
> partial VG address selector and VG RAM controls. I won't be the answer to all
> your problems but it might be a help.
> If anyone is interested then let me know and I'll transfer it from my
> handwritten scrawl into Word or something.
> Just as an extra point that I think Clay might have said already. I find that
> a huge problem with all these old Atari boards is sockets. If your starting
> out repairing one of these boards then I'd advise you to remove all the ROM
> sockets and clean the legs. SA is a good way of finding which sockets are
> making a poor contact.
> Happy repairing
> Peter
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Received on Fri Jan 14 14:27:34 2000
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