Re: G-80 conversion wiring hell.

From: Mark A. Jenison <>
Date: Wed Jan 19 2000 - 14:33:42 EST

> Since it was now playing blind (thanks to some working boards from Clay), I
> tried hooking the scope to the moitor inputs -- no juice. Clay suggests
> hooking directly to the X/Y ouput on the board -- that works.
> After much studing of the wiring in the card cage and the schematic from
> spies, I think the wiring inside my card cage has been screwed up, causing
> me to swap P30 and P31 (the cables that hook to the two XY board.
> On my cage, P30 has four wires -- Red, Black, Blue, Green. P31 has three
> wires -- Grey, Black, (blank -- hole plugged), and White.
> The cabinet wiring diagram shows P30 on the XY control board (does color),
> and P31 on XY Timing (X/Y position, what you hook to a scope).
> HOWEVER, my P31 has a keying plug inserted into hole 2 (or 3, not sure of
> the number direction), and my XY Control board has a corresponding pin cut
> off of the four position header.
> If I'm reading everything correctly, this means the only way I can currently
> hook things up is --- wrong !
> I'm hoping the only problem is someone stuck a key pin into a plug where it
> didn't belong. Juding from the schematic, it's the ground pin cut off the
> XY control board.
> Without the keyway, that also means I'm not sure which way is up on those
> plugs. Does the side with the number (p3x) on go it up or down ?

>From wiretap pinouts (which i submitted a long time ago):

X-Y Timing Board

 1 - Y
 2 - Shield
 3 - Empty
 4 - X

X-Y Control Board

 1 - Blue
 2 - Red
 3 - Empty
 4 - Green

However, now that I look at these, I think one of these is wrong...damn,
with all the times I connected these things, you'd think I'd remember by
heart. I'm pretty sure that the connectors should go on such that the
empty spot on one connector is the opposite of the empty spot on the other
connector (meaning if the empty spot is #2 on one connector, the empty
spot would be #3 on the other connector). Treat the black wire as the
empty spot on the other connector.

Also, if you see any pins missing from the boards, likely it is correct,
and you should orient your connector appropriately. (I've got lots of
boards where some pins have been removed, this is normal).

I'm pretty sure in the above pinouts, the XY timing board connector should
be reversed. I'll confirm this evening.

BTW, if Al Kossow is reading, maybe he can fix the typo I have in the
pinouts...the Speech board pinouts SHOULD read:

Speech Board

 1 - Empty
 2 - Empty
 3 - Empty
 4 - Audio out
 5 - Shield
 6 - input from pin 1 of Battlestar Sound Board
Hope this information helps.

Mark Jenison

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