Re: odd Asteroids side art

From: Matthew Sell <>
Date: Wed Jan 19 2000 - 19:39:17 EST

The interesting question also is when was the production run for Asteroids
complemented with the Lunar Lander cabinets?

One might assume that it was the early runs of Asteroids that were
affected, since Lunar Lander was a 1979 product (mostly).

Also, the early Asteroids had sideart material similar to Lunar Lander,
whereas mine (a white one) has sideart more like Tempest and Space Duel.

        - Matt

At 03:54 PM 1/19/00 -0700, Jess Askey wrote:
>So as a side question, Did the asteroids that were stuffed in LL cabs at
the factory
>actually have LL sideart on them? What I was suggesting was that the LL
cabs that they
>stole in order to make the more popular Asteroids game, maybe had some
other type of
>sideart applied other than the default image.

Why should I worry about Windows crashing on January 1st? Mine crashes
every day...

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