Re: Asteroids Deluxe Repair Story Part 2

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Sun Jan 23 2000 - 19:16:25 EST

>First, is the hack for installing centering pots documented anywhere on the

For what it's worth, I had to do a similar trick when developing the
Asteroids/Deluxe/LL multigame prototype. Lunar Lander draws everything
farther "down" the screen than DLX and AST, so I ended up just soldering a
little potentiometer to one of the Op-amps.

In particular, on an Asteroids board it's the op-amp farthest in the corner
by the Y-output (sorry, no reference designator in front of me). I used a
1K trimpot (the square ones like on Star Wars) and soldered the wiper pin to
pin5 on the op-amp, and then the two other "ends" of the pot to pins 4 and 8
on the op-amp. I then lifted one end of R129 (the non-ground end). This
results in a vertical position control on Asteroids. (The multigame
requires that you move ast/dlx "up" a little so that all of LL shows.)

There are three pics on my website showing the mod if anyone's curious.
(And who says that little Intel QX3 Microscope is just a toy. ;-)


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