Once again Rodger, you come through with flying colors :) The Asteroids
now looks perfect. For those of you who would like to try this at home, I
some stuff called SolarStat. It is the crappy tinting that you see people
sticking to their cars that has all of the air pockets. On a vector monitor
beheind a one-way mirror and blacklight, you couldn't ask for anything
better :)
There are two different colors, a bronze and a grey. Grey looked like it
work better, but I like cool colors :)
btw, I got to play a couple games before the Y output crapped out on me :( It
looked kinda like the DAC died, but swapping them didn't make a difference. I
guess its back to the scope with this baby.. At least the screwy picture looks
crisp on the backdrop.
At 09:33 PM 1/23/00 -0600, you wrote:
>Yes, blacklight will make the phosphors glow. They would REALLY be
glowing if
>it weren't for the thick glass of the CRT (glass attenuates ultraviolet
>if you need to pass ultraviolet light with little attenuation you use quartz
>instead of glass). Usually the black light doesn't shine on the tube
>it's usually on the other side of a mirror (which absorbs even more of the
>ultraviolet, especially if it's smoked glass like many of the Atari games
>If you need to lessen the effect more you might try a sheet of
>ultraviolet-blocking plastic (such as is applied to house windows to keep out
>the ultraviolet part of sunshine) over the mirror or CRT surface.
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