update on Tempest repro overlays

From: Walt <wfeeger_at_amengtest.com>
Date: Wed Mar 01 2000 - 14:38:04 EST

This thread was being tossed around a bit last week. I just got a set of the reproduction overlays for Tempest (the CP and marquee) from Steven Gregory (same as the ones from Herb at FabFan)

They are very nice and I would not hesitate to tell someone to get them from him. The marquee overlay graphics are not as crisp as the original - but standing at a 'playing' distance from the game its looks great. Sure, stick your face up to it and there are some flaws - but hey, it looks alot better than the ripped, cracked, and cigarette burned one that is on my cab now.

Just thought I would follow up on this.


Hey Roy - Hurry up with that next run of Black Widow overlays would ya!! :)

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