Re: Dedicated MH Roller Replacement - Finished.

From: Jon Raiford <>
Date: Fri Mar 03 2000 - 15:03:25 EST

I just realized that my post wasn't very specific. I was originally talking about being able to send you a couple shafts to compare against. I would like to replace the shafts on both of my original roller controls. (this is what I would think everyone would like to replace on theirs)

As far as your needing the encoder wheel, opto board, and bearings, just rip apart a trackball. You will have enough parts for 2 roller assemblies :) Bob Roberts may even have some you could buy separately, although if you actually make any kind of production run, you may want to find a larger supply of these or make them yourself.

When you ask about "What is the demand for just the roller and what it the demand for the whole thing?", what exactly are you referring to? I am interested in one of the complete roller assemblies as well as 2 extra sets of shafts. If the translucent green roller itself looks original, I may even want to replace my original since it is a little worn. Hmm.. there are 3 things that can be called "rollers".. Maybe we need to give each a particular name so we are talking about the same thing.


At 02:30 PM 3/3/2000 -0800, you wrote:

>Ok I guess Im confused as well. What is the demand for just the roller and what it the
>demand for the whole thing? Hands please. Im working on just rollers right now. MY
>personal goals at this point is to add a roller to a SD -> MH conversion. The spinner
>is not cutting it with the exception of the breakout part of the game. :-) I have a
>mostly complete set up right now, missing the encoder wheel and electronics and the
>Look as
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