WG6100 doesn't work - now what?

From: <solarfox_at_texas.net>
Date: Mon Mar 06 2000 - 20:10:14 EST

        I should've known it wouldn't be this easy... :/

        OK - I did a full cap-kit job on my SPACE DUEL's Wells-Gardner, using
Clay Harrell's "upgrade/fix" instructions on what additional parts to
change out along with the ones in Zanen's kit. At the same time, I
installed one of Jeff's LV2000 low-voltage boards (which I purchased in
assembled/tested form).

        Unfortunately... it still doesn't work. Nothing goes up in smoke this
time, though, so I suppose this is _some_ kind of progress. :) When I turn
the game on, both LED's on the LV2000 light up, along with the spot-killed
LED on the deflection board. After a couple of seconds (I assume this
delay represents the game logic doing bootup and self-test, and is thus
normal?), the spot-killer LED goes out...
(Preferably with a wrecking ball and some dynamite.)
solarfox@DON'TMESSWITHtexas.net (Gary Akins jr.)
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Received on Mon Mar 6 20:17:19 2000

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