Re: DVG Multigame

From: Mark Shostak <>
Date: Fri Mar 10 2000 - 09:30:22 EST

>I thought "Hey! How about Asteroids/Asteroids Deluxe/Lunar Multigame...

>I'm soliciting input from others as to my approach, so I'll just start
>rambling. I'm no hardware expert, so if you see a flaw in my approach (or
>a better way to do it), please let me know!

Um, depending on how much you value your time, I'd just buy one from
Clay. I believe he's already finished it. If I recall correctly,
there isn't enough demand to make it worth his time.

If he's not going to manufacture it, maybe you can get him to
"GPL" the project. It's at least worth asking, before you go to all the
trouble of reinventing the wheel.


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Received on Fri Mar 10 09:41:50 2000

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