Re: DVG Multigame and Clay's ADL Multigame

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Sat Mar 11 2000 - 15:46:46 EST

>So Clay, don't "get out of the way". There's nothing to get out of the way
>for. What I'm doing is but a small echo of your "professional" solution.

Given that the response for the ADL multigame has been pretty slow to build
I'm just concerned that the real die-hard types will build one based on
Neil's Deluxe hardware and not be interested in mine when it comes out. (I
don't want anyone to think it's a matter of "not invented here", but really
more a matter of "if I spend all the time, will enough people want it?".)

I suppose since mine is an Asteroids conversion the argument can be made
that Neil's Deluxe version won't directly compete... The "gotcha" is that
I've got a lot of hardware (A/D, POKEY, big PCB, SRAMs, NOVRAM, etc.) which
will make for a big PCB and probably a $125 price tag... Compared to some
free ROMs and a few TTL chips I'm not sure I can compete, even with fancy
features... (Price of Asteroids Deluxe board + chips < my kit price would
have to be.)

(Oh, while I'm thinking of it though Neil-- if you do a software patch to
move Lunar Lander's display "down" on the monitor I'd really be eager to see
that... I have a hardware workaround I'm not super-happy with.)

Suggestions? (Once again, no need really to clog up vectorlist with

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Received on Sat Mar 11 15:54:08 2000

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