>I was told that you make substitutes for this AVG chip that often fails on
>vector boards...mine just failed on my Major Havoc.
>While I was able to get a replacement from a friend (Scott Evans), he said
>that these chips are getting scarce, but that you in fact make a
>substitute. So, I was thinking that I should go ahead and get another one
>since I love vector games and now have 5 of 'em:) and therefore will
>probably need another eventually.
>If you still make these, I would like to know how much they are as I would
>probably like to purchase one from you.
My apologies all...I meant to send this message to Clay directly...just hit
the wrong button on my email program.
Sorry again.
Jonathan Koolpe
Staff Research Associate
University of California, San Francisco
Department of Microbiology & Immunology
Tel: (415) 476-9371 Fax: (415) 476-8201
mail to: jkoolpe@itsa.ucsf.edu
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