The best part of this device is the phrase found at the end of their
"Inherent data retention is greater than 100 years"
No worries about batteries, being an EEPROM device at heart.
If any of the games I have are still usable in 100 years (I know I will the organisms in the ground!), I'd be totally amazed. "Yeah, my
great grandfather had these games at his place! It's a 'Vector' game, by
Atari - you know, that Microsoft Games company after they bought Hasbro in
I shudder to think about that last bit!
-----Original Message-----
From: Anders Knudsen
I don't know what their prices are, but Xicor makes those "parallel
Basically they look like an SRAM at the pins. Internally there is an
eeprom, so that when power is lost, the contents of the SRAM is dumped into
the internal eeprom. Then when power is restored, the contents of the
eeprom is dumped into the SRAM. Pretty cool devices, but I'm sure Clay
knows about these buggers.
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