At 06:32 AM 4/11/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>Gregg Woodcock wrote:
> >
> > I believe it has been discussed in this list that the W-G and Amplifone
> > yokes are identical, right?
>If we're talking 25" amplifone vs. 19" Wells Gardner, I believe they are
>the exact same model. (although I don't believe we've discussed this on
>the list).
>Triad-Utrad 9A2806-001-A. With the letter "A" most likely being
>equivalent to other revisions including B thru D (and possibly more).
>The two 25" amplifones I inspected both had the "D" revision. And I
>have seen the "D" revision on more than one 19" WG6100.
What probably should be said is that the yokes seem to be interchangeable even though they are not identical. I haven't tried it, but I believe an Amplifone tube & yoke work fine with the WG6100 chasis & monitor boards (although the HV cage needs to be bent as to not touch the tube) and visa versa. I really should have tried this since it could have saved me a ton of work on my project. Instead of just swapping yokes, I swapped the monitor boards too. By the time I was done, I didn't feel like fixing the deflection board I had chosen, so I ripped out the one from my mint Gravitar. Of course, I caught a lot of hell about this one since it was original and had never been worked on, but it was late and I was running out of patience :).
I'm still confident that my minor convergence problems can be corrected though with proper positioning of some magnetic shunts (this may just be false hope). I still haven't heard of any documentation of their placement nor a place where to get them. Has anyone played with these? Is there a place where you can just buy them? I've heard that refrigerator magnets can be used, but I'm not sure how its dimensions will affect the image, although I suppose I could just do some tests. Has anyone installed these with success? Any stories?
<Shameless begging follows, please stop reading.>
Now that I've stripped a WG6100 of its yoke and nipple, I'm left with a chasis and another boardset (but no yoke or nipple). Does anyone have a spare of either they would be willing to donate/sell to help bring my Black Widow back to life? It bravely gave its life so the 25" Havoc could be born. I would surely be in debt to whomever is able to help. (Many thanks go out to Tom McClintock for finding me a replacement power supply and to Noel Johnson for his great heatsink hack for the chasis transistors)
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