You got it in one!!!! Thanks!
BTW - There was talk of a Vectrex to WG adapter. I can't remember where I
read about it. Anyone know if this is still happening???
> ----------
> From: Clay Cowgill
> Reply To:
> Sent: Friday, 14 April 2000 10:06
> To:
> Subject: Re: VECTOR: Off Topic (Maybe) Vectrex Monitor problem
> >When you power up the built in game is playing but there is only
> horizontal
> >lines - no vertical or diagonal. So the screen appears as...
> Howdy.
> Well, the Vectrex uses a single DAC to generate all the deflection you see
> on the monitor (as well as the brightness of the lines, scanning the
> analog
> joystick, and generating digitized sound! I like the Vectrex. ;-) so
> since
> you're getting lines and horizontal deflection your DAC is probably fine.
> There's an analog mux that routes the signal to a couple of sample and
> holds
> and analog integrators. I'd concentrate on either the mux, of the caps in
> the integrator and/or sample and hold. The integrator caps are weird
> metal
> film things and quite fragile, so be careful when poking around them.
> They're also somewhat "matched" to each other so replacing one can cause
> more problems than it solves.
> Grab the schematics from the net and look in the right-most pages. You'll
> see the DAC and the integrators and stuff there.
> -Clay
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