OS Upgrade on its way

From: Neil Bradley <neil_at_synthcom.com>
Date: Tue Apr 18 2000 - 01:09:27 EDT

Synthcom is scheduled to upgraded to FreeBSD 4.0 on the days of April 28th
and 29th. It will go down sometime in the afternoon of the 28th and come back
up sometime on the 29th. If worse comes to worst, I'll stick in the old drive
and boot the old OS, so it'll be up and running on the 29th without question.

Obviously, during that time Synthcom will be unreachable as well as its
services. This includes dialin lines for those that use them.

I expect the transition to the new OS to be smooth. Each upgrade to the next
major revision number has been extremely simple and trouble free, and from
what I've read from other early adopters this is certainly to be expected.

I'll post another message in a week or so and an additional message the day
before it goes down.


Neil Bradley I can tolerate ignorance because it's curable, but
Synthcom Systems, Inc. stupidity is forever binding it seems.
ICQ # 29402898

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Received on Tue Apr 18 01:23:31 2000

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