Speel Cheekers and Tempests..

From: John Mehrtens <John_at_Drag-Net.com>
Date: Tue Apr 25 2000 - 01:26:51 EDT

        Dern spell checker! That's "electrons" not "electronics" in the following
(gutted, chopped, pasted, brazed, filed, burnished, and polished) sentence
from my previous message! "Inductance, capacitance, and resistance cause
electrons to take time to move from one place to another." *whew*

        Now the big deal.. I'm going to try my hardest to remove the trashed
particleboard from the lower few inches of my Tempest cabinet without
destroying the sideart. This won't be easy! I'm hoping to be able to
replace the expanded wood with plywood and fill the cracks with a decent
putty (plastic wood or the like). This'll be quite an undertaking since
I've got the game in storage about 30 miles from where I live.

        Once that's done, I'm going to have to go about procuring a new (to me)
motherboard, spinner, and vector monitor. I have some money in the mail for
a replacement CPO and Marquee overlay. If anyone knows of any sources who
might be able to help a guy in need at a reasonable price, I've got some
dead presidents waiting here for ya. <grin!>

        I'll have photos of the progress ready for your online viewing pleasure
(erk!) this summer.


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Received on Tue Apr 25 01:26:21 2000

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