FT: Tempest PCB (was Re: Speel Cheekers and Tempests)

From: Scott Swazey <sswazey_at_qualcomm.com>
Date: Tue Apr 25 2000 - 13:03:48 EDT

        I can probably part with a working tempest PCB. I'd like to trade for
other vector PCBs. Got anything neat to trade? Non-working stuff is OK too.


At 01:26 AM 4/25/00 -0400, you wrote:
> Once that's done, I'm going to have to go about procuring a new (to me)
>motherboard, spinner, and vector monitor. I have some money in the mail for
>a replacement CPO and Marquee overlay. If anyone knows of any sources who
>might be able to help a guy in need at a reasonable price, I've got some
>dead presidents waiting here for ya. <grin!>
> I'll have photos of the progress ready for your online viewing pleasure
>(erk!) this summer.
> John
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Received on Tue Apr 25 13:19:15 2000

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