SW mathbox question - Claykit 3.1

From: <MKDUD_at_aol.com>
Date: Wed May 10 2000 - 00:37:24 EDT


     I'm running Clay's SW/ESB version 3.1 kit in my Star Wars machine. Board
boots fine on initial power up. However, I get no starfield backround, and
mathbox errors that go away after the board warms up after about 15 minutes.
The TIE's look very irregular at first, and the board will crash if I try to
play it before it warms up for about 15 min.. - I know, replace mathbox
proms, problem solved.
    What bothers me is that ESB runs with no trouble, even when the board is
cold. Why am I showing cold mathbox problems on ONLY SW and not ESB, too? I
was thinking it might be socket related, but I haven't replaced sockets yet
because ESB runs fine...

Please help if you can,

Thank You,
Michael Kelley

P.S. Clay, (if your reading), can I buy a new set of proms from you for the
3.1 kit (if you think this is the problem)??
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Received on Wed May 10 00:43:12 2000

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