On Thu, 1 Jun 2000 15:14:57 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:
>>I've run HV boards, processor boards, everything, through it with no problems.
> Run w/ or w/o soap?
NO SOAP! :) And take the Jet-Dry spotless-rinse thingy off the
glassware rack, too, if you use one...
>The temperature is no issue? Just checking, but
>anything that is that easy would be great. =) Now I've got to explain
>to my wife that I need her stove (anodizing) her oven (powder-coat)
> AND her dishwasher now. From time to time anyways. =)
It shouldn't be - commercial-spec components are rated for 0-70C (-32 -
158F), while your hot-water heater is only set to about 120F (or _should_
And the previous poster is correct - this is, more or less, how it's
done in commercial board houses. :) The boards go through a wave-soldering
machine, then through a board-wash machine which sprays the top and bottom
of the board with hot water. (Or a warm solvent if they're not using
water-soluble flux, followed by a hot-water rinse.) Many board-wash
machines also have a hot-air dryer stage, as well... so basically, the
whole thing is just a glorified Laserwash-2000 car-wash in miniature form.
When they took the fourth amendment, I said nothing because I didn't deal drugs.
When they took the sixth amendment, I said nothing because I hadn't committed a crime.
When they took the second amendment, I said nothing because I didn't own a gun.
Now they've taken the first amendment, and I can't say anything about it.
solarfox@DON'TMESSWITHtexas.net (Gary Akins jr.)
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Received on Thu Jun 1 19:41:31 2000
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