On Thu, 22 Jun 2000 13:46:51 -0400, you wrote:
>Is this "conversion board" (cine mon control -to- WG6100 input) documented anywhere?
>Spies perhaps? I don't remember seeing it ...
>I assume Clay's kit will be a version of this "conversion board"?
>Cinematronics to Wells Gardner/Electrohome Monitor Convertor (in development)
I've never seen any doc's on it.
Looking it over: The vector generator is identical to the one built onto the
standard Cinematronics X/Y monitor.
They added a 12 bit latch for 4096 colors (16 levels of Red, Green and Blue).
The monitor protection circuitry is great. They have power transistors that
turn on whenever the trace moves too far off screen. You can drive the X / Y
beam to their extremes, and still the trace barely moves off the screen. This
kind of protection on Tempest would save many a monitor!
The settings for the protection circuitry, X/Y size, X/Y linearity, X/Y bowing
correction, are all adjustable. The X/Y bowing correction was done without
using the hard to get VDRs that Atari used.
All in all a very nice board. I swore one day I was going to trace out the
schematic. But instead I've spent the last year with all my stuff in storage,
up to about 2 months ago when I finally bought a house.
Now I spend my time building irrigation systems before my small avocado grove
dies! Rewiring the house for 2 telco, 2 cat-5, and 2 cable connections in
each room. Fixing toilets, re-plumbing LP gas lines and converting GAS dryers
from Natural to Propane gas, etc. Hmm... It my be cool to knock down that
wall between the kitchen and the dining room... HINT: Buy stock in Home
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Received on Thu Jun 22 14:51:24 2000
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