Red Baron Joystick question

From: Paul Sommers <>
Date: Wed Jul 05 2000 - 18:01:44 EDT


Found a Red Baron boardset on the weekend. I haven't tested it yet. I'll
make a harness for my Asteroids and try it later this week.

I was thinking of putting it in a cab as I have some spare XY monitors.

I believe it used an analogue joystick. Now it's been a while since I played
it (20 years) but I don't actually remember the joystick being analogue
adding much value to the game.

I don't remember it being like Road Runner where the Hall Effect stick makes
all the difference, or Sinistar with the 49 way. You can hack either of
these to an 8 position joystick - but it wouldn't paly the same.

What do you think about the Red Baron joystick? Spend the bucks on an
analogue? (Keep in mind it will be in a generic cab... I know of no Red
Baron cabs left in Australia).

Thanks for your thoughts.


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