Bizarre Vector Sighting (sorta)

From: Noel Johnson <>
Date: Fri Jul 28 2000 - 09:13:51 EDT

Hello Gang,

I was watching the movie "Fortress 2" (pickings at Blockbuster were pretty slim) last night, and I noticed the wierdest thing. During one scene in the movie, the lead star (Christopher Lambert) was playing chess with some Russian prisoners aboard the orbiting prison colony they were trapped in [fun stuff :-)]. The chess pieces were made of various spaceship "junk"... The queen chess piece had as it's crown the plastic tip off of a 19VLUP22 picture tube! I am positive as they showed a closeup of the piece, and I rewound the tape several times. As you know, that style of tip is very rare, and I have not seen any other picture tubes that used it (there are probably some). I hope the film crew didn't part out a Tempest for that prop!

A more obvious sighting occured in the movie "Deathwish 4: The Crackdown" (1987) (I swear I didn't rent this one - I was scrolling through the channels one Saturday afternoon). There is a gun battle in an arcade and both a Tempest and Gravitar get "Uzi'd" (sadly). I kept hoping someone would administer CPR, but to no avail... :-( There were also several other games including Tron and Centipede.. I guess these games could be purchased pretty cheaply in '87 and would make cost-effective movie props.


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