No to beat a dead horse, but a WG6100 is a color vector monitor. I believe
the references to raster stuff were based on the offer to trade a Joust
board for my parts. While I understand that Al wanted to keep responses to
things like that in private e-mail, I have an automatic apprehension to
self-appointed list police. The old saying comes to mind about catching
more flies with honey.
At 01:46 PM 8/11/00 +0000, you wrote:
> > mail-list is for the care and feeding of VECTOR games only. If you spend a
> > moment looking in the headers of messages posted here you will find the
> > senders email address, then you can reply directly and thus not bother
> > other folks about non-vector stuff. 'nuff said.
>I would've said something about this, but it wasn't obvious to me that a
>WG 6100 wasn't a vector monitor. ;-) But yes, I agree wholeheartedly. If
>it's raster only, post on the raster list.
>Neil Bradley Everyone agrees that 90% of all techno is crap, but
>Synthcom Systems, Inc. no one can agree on which 10% is good.
>ICQ #29402898
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