The Pacman couple reigns supreme over Tempest in VAPS

From: Ozdemir, Steven S, GOVMK <>
Date: Wed Aug 23 2000 - 19:54:31 EDT

G'day folks,

While I expected Ms. Pacman to overtake Tempest as the "most owned" game in
2000, I didn't expect Pacman to follow for quite some time. However, this
week Pacman edged out Tempest.

When the mighty fall they do hit the ground hard...

            Steve Ozdemir

ps - Ownership is measured by the number of VAPS members listing the game.
And, yes, its been stated before that VAPS won't show if someone owns
several Tempest's (or Pacman's for that matter) and there are no conversions
to Tempest. No need to point this out to the vector list again...
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Received on Wed Aug 23 20:12:12 2000

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