I've used the Circuitworks Overcoat Pen and Quick-Bond gel adhesive to tack
down wires. Even clear nail polish works well (and is much cheaper!).
The Overcoat Pen and Quick-Bond adhesive is available from Chemtronics
]..hot glue can pop off if it's bumped in cold weather unless it
] has something that it's "looped" through.
That's the best idea. Even running some Kynar wire near some components so
you can get a good bond would be a good thing.
Of note:
Something I've seen to be fairly common is the practice of replacing just
the part of the trace that's broken with a solder glob or a chunk of wire.
It's definitely not a good idea to do that. Always start from a convenient
through-hole or component leg on one end of the circuit and trace the wire
along the circuit board to a through-hole or leg on the other end of the
circuit that's broken, following the original circuit as closely as
possible. I've had to re-repair a lot of boards where someone did this --
or worse, even, when they've soldered a wire to a component leg and ran the
wire around the edge of the board to solder it to a device on the other side
of the board. Not only does it look messy, but it's easy to solder the wire
to the wrong part of the board or cause a situation where the wire can get
rubbed or pinched. This is especially true when inexperienced shop techs
replace regulators and rip the traces off the board. Yikes!
](Fun safety tip-- if you're using "superglue", don't melt it with your
] soldering iron. ;-)
Yuck!! Clear the room! Turn on the fans!
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Received on Sat Sep 30 12:03:24 2000
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