RE: I think I'm in love...

From: Bret Pehrson <>
Date: Sat Sep 30 2000 - 15:02:18 EDT

Don't walk, RUN to this place! I'm finding data sheets on 20 year old
discontinued parts!

Thanks Clay -- a very valuable (and FREE) resource!


> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Clay Cowgill
> Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2000 12:00 PM
> To:
> Subject: VECTOR: I think I'm in love...
> ...with a website!
> If you need to find a datasheet for a part, check out:
> You need to register to use it, which means the Partminer people get your
> contact info, but you can at least opt-out from their e-mail list.
> The cool thing is that they seem to have the extire CAPSExpert database
> online and searchable. CAPSExpert was/is(?) this huge pay service for
> finding data and crosses on electronic components. We had it at
> work (this
> horrible DOS thing with like 75 CD's worth of database!), but I never got
> around to using it.
> Having it on a website is VERY cool!
> For example I just signed up and grabbed datasheets (in PDF form) for:
> 82S09, MB3730, TMS29F816, MC3245, BU409D, BU207, HA11244, MR1-1600, etc...
> A couple very nice things:
> 1) "Family Docs"- often it knows parts in the same family, so my
> search on
> the 82S09 yielded a nice list of all the Signetics bipolar PROMs, Bipolar
> SRAMs, etc.
> 2) "Status"- for everything it finds it shows
> "Active|Discontinued|Historical" status. So if you type in
> "AM6012", you'll
> see that Philips has discontinued it, ST Microelectroncs has discontinued
> it, AMD has a couple active parts still, and Maxim has some active parts
> still.
> It also lists app-notes, etc. It's hard to tell how up-to-date the
> information is for crosses (for example, I'd be surprised if AMD
> was still
> making and AM6012's-- but if you ordered a millions supposedly it's still
> "active" if you can get their attention to build 'em).
> You can do wild-card searches, parametric selection, partial
> numbers, etc.
> It works for transistors and diodes too (like that MR1-1600 HV diode for
> GO-5's!).
> So what's the catch, I hear you ask? Aside from the contact info
> you have
> to provide (which I suppose need not be entirely accurate ;-)...
> During the week it's the SLOWEST WEBPAGE I'VE EVER USED!!!
> However, here on
> Saturday, it's totally peppy. :-) Friday though, it was
> completely unusable
> for me (I'm on a cable modem too).
> Have fun!
> -Clay
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Received on Sat Sep 30 15:17:35 2000

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