RE: 6100 picture loss

From: Jenison Mark-QA3578 <>
Date: Mon Oct 16 2000 - 10:02:34 EDT

> Hello fellas. I have spent many hours on a 6100 this weekend.
> I got the HV
> unit working. The deflection board works but, I only get half
> the picture
> vertically.

How do you know it works. Verified it in another monitor?

> I have been looking at the Y amplifier section in
> detail. I used
> a known good deflection pcb and it worked fine, thus the
> chassis transistors
> are ok.

Not sure how you drew the conclusion that because the deflection PCB is fine, the chassis transistors are ok...did you replace them recently?

> It is a 314 pcb version. I checked for cracked solder
> joints and
> found a couple under a mag glass. What could cause a failure
> like this? All
> the diodes seem ok. Any help would be great! Thanks.

One time I had a WG6100 where I had known good deflection board, HV, and transistors, and the extact same problem (only half screen). I took out a large plastic handled screw driver, turned the monitor on, and began to whack the chassis mounted deflection transistors with the plastic end. The picture would jump to full screen momentarily. I pulled and remounted the suspect transistor, and the monitor came up fine.

There's a technical solution for ya! :-)

Mark Jenison
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