-----Original Message-----
From: "Lunar Lander" <atarilunarlander@hotmail.com>
To: vectorlist@synthcom.com
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2000 15:18:39 GMT
Subject: VECTOR: Tech: Electrohome G05
> have a later model GO5 that i would like
> some help on, the monitor plays in the center
> of the screen approx. 1/4" wide, the full
> height of the screen, but does not go out
> towards the left or right any further than
> the 1/4" path, i have already installed a cap
> kit with transistors and resoldered all the
> head pins, with NO results, the HV unit is
> working, and the spot killer DOES NOT come
> on, and NO FUSES have been blown. Dont notice
> anything out of the ordinary, was wondering if
> someone on the list could help.
Check the power-supply voltages in the X-circuit.
What the hell are 'head-pins'??????
if you mean connectors then i hope you re-soldered the ones to the scan-coils.
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Received on Wed Oct 25 20:51:59 2000
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