Re: Anyone coming out to see us in Pittsburgh tomorrow?

From: Zonn <>
Date: Fri Oct 27 2000 - 20:55:29 EDT

On Fri, 27 Oct 2000 20:09:35 -0400, "chumblespuzz" <>

>How do you do color? Do you need 1 lasers for each color or can you combine
>the beams to make colors? I assume the kit below is for 1 color (only gonna
>play Asteroids and Lunar Lander? ;)

And Star Castle, and Rip Off, and Space Wars, and Starhawk, and Sundance, and
War of the Worlds, and Demon, and Solar Quest, and Warrior, and Armor Attack,
and Speedfreak, and Tailgunner, and Barrier!

You could do a lot with just a B&W system!

This list is getting just a little too Ataricentric!

;^) ;^) ;^)

I believe the "white" laser sources can be run through controllable filters that
allows one to adjust the color and intensity.

Can you imagine a $10k+ setup running "Barrier"? Even Steve Wozniak would have
a hard time putting up money for that! (And remember, he produced the original
"US" concert!)

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Received on Fri Oct 27 21:26:17 2000

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