RE: Major Havoc - No Display, Plays Blind

From: Evrovski, Andrew <>
Date: Thu Nov 02 2000 - 16:52:09 EST

both are not swinging (around .6-.9 VDC) steady.

I turn up brightness and see a red line (small about 1 inch diagonal).. Y
cntr pot moves the line up and down...

+/- 15 volt loops are fine.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Raiford []
Sent: November 2, 2000 11:10
Subject: Re: VECTOR: Major Havoc - No Display, Plays Blind

What do the X and Y outputs look like? (measure w/ AC on meter) Are they
both stuck at 0? Is one moving but not the other? Turn the screen up on
the monitor to bypass the spot killer. What does the display look like?
Check the +15v and -15v in the vector output section. etc....


At 09:30 AM 11/2/2000 -0500, you wrote:

>Hello Folks,
> I have a pesky Major Havoc board that refuses to give me any
video. I have replaced all chips in the video output section (AM6012,
LF13201, TL082CP, TL084CN, DAC08CN) as well as the transistors Q6 & Q7
(linear scaling section of circuit). I am pretty much at a loss here. I
thought replacing those buggers would work, but alas, no success. All other
socketed chips have been brought over from a working board, so all RAMS,
ROMS, CPUS, AVG - 13379-?? chip (AMI), POKEYS, ATARI Custom Chips, -
literally everything that was originally socket plus the newly socketed
chips mentioned above are working chips).
> The game plays. I can pump credits, click the start and audio
kicks in proper sequences and the game plays... blind. Where do I go from
here? I am definitely at a loss for my next step and any help would be
>Andrew Evrovski
>Development Director
>Cyberplex Atlantic, Halifax, NS

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