A message from the UKVAC list concering XY Monitors...
-----Original Message-----
From: D-Type [mailto:egroups@freedomprojects.co.uk]
Sent: 18 September 2000 13:43
To: ukvac@egroups.com
Subject: RE: [ukvac] MAMEing
Boy have a few of us kicked this one around a bit over the last couple of
One day, when there are no monitors left, someone will get off there arse
and make some new XY monitors - it's not that difficult. They were doing it
15 years ago after all.
I spoke to the man from Hantarex at the last ATEI and he said that if there
was a big enough order batch, they'd look at it, probably in kit form. I
mentioned 500 and he said 'Hmm possible'.
The biggest problem for monitor manfacturers (and many other electronics
manufacturers) is type approval. You can't just make a monitor and sell it -
if someone gets fried (Rav?) then they have to have their arse covered -
especially in the states.
--- >From a follow up mail: [I don't mean the person who is fried has to be taken to the states and have his arse covered, I mean the monitor manufacturer's virtual arse. If anyone has seen Rav's arse, you'll know covering it isn't possible with current material technology.] --- If I were to make some XY monitor get well kits that require mucking around with the tube and stuff, then I'm liable for any damage you cause to yourself. It doesn't matter what I get you to sign to say I'm not liable, I'd still get shafted. (Not sure how this relates to monitor get well kits, though.) The biggest problem is the neck coil bobbin and yoke - if you could get this bit sorted out (i.e. made) and someone who knows his inductance to wind the coils then the rest of it would be easy, especially as the tube (apparently) is the same as a raster one for a colour monitor. Bootleg Amplifone, anyone? D-Type. P.S. If you look at the link, someone appears to make spares already. If this includes yoke and coils then you're laughing. http://www.gamearchive.com/video/manufacturer/atari/vector/html/monitor.html --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** To UNSUBSCRIBE from vectorlist, send a message with "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the ** message body to vectorlist-request@synthcom.com. Please direct other ** questions, comments, or problems to neil@synthcom.com.Received on Sat Nov 11 08:18:30 2000
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