On a slightly different slant, does anyone else have copies of "Fluke
Troubleshooter"? This is for the 9000 series.
I have the compiled 1st year - 1983, V2 #1, V3 #1, and V3 #2 plus some
errata for the pods data books. I thinkI sent this to Al at one time, but
if not I'll pack it with something else to send to Mark for him to scan and
include. These are handy as they cover subjects like: adapters for other
processors (2650, 8X300), building a multi-port scanner for testing a bunch
of I/O ports rapidly, and other cool tips.
John :-#)#
At 12:29 PM 12/6/00, Mark E Davidson wrote:
>I guess its been about a year now, but I still get requests from some of
>you (who missed the first run) for a re-do of the Fluke Training video
>Rather then answer all the Emails (I have lost some of them anyway) Ill
>make the availability open to the group again.
> For those who don't remember, this was 2 tapes shot in home brew
>fashion, of a coarse in using the 9010a, converted to Real video and
>MPEG1 and sits on 2 to 4 disks (don't remember off the top of my head)
> Once again, they will be offered to the group on a donation basis.
>SO.. That means if you want to help the cause, you can send, blank CDRs,
>$$$, An NOS Go8 monitor, whatever. If you don't want to help out, the
>Cds are still free. This worked out great last time as some sent
>replacement cds, cash to cover shipping and some even helped me find a
>few lost items I needed to get some games back in shape! (right now I
>REALLY need a major Havoc marquee for a space duel and a Quantum
>marquee). This group rocks and you should all feel very good with
> Anyway, just the link at the bottom to email me if you interested so
>I can get a head count and start the burning, and sticker printing
> me in on the Fluke CD
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