Re: Space Duel CPO Differences

From: <>
Date: Thu Dec 07 2000 - 10:25:28 EST

My experience has always been that it takes two shots to kill a space
station. In two player mode, the first player hit turns into a slow
turning/shooting ship and the second hit on either player lights the fuse.
In single player space station mode it's a little less clear. The player
hit first turns into a slow shooter, but I think the turn rate of both
ships (they always face the same way) depends on WHICH player got hit

                    <chumblespuzz@home. To: <>
                    com> cc:
                    Sent by: Subject: VECTOR: Space Duel CPO Differences
                    12/07/2000 10:04 AM
                    Please respond to

In type A it says "When one player is destroyed, the
other is too" and in type B it says "When space station is hit twice, both
players are destroyed." From what I recall, on every SD I've played the
instructions on type A are correct. Was there a version where type B was

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