Hello? Is this thing on???

From: Tom Cloud <computerspace_at_hotmail.com>
Date: Fri Jan 05 2001 - 11:32:58 EST

Hello all,

Is it me, or is the vectorlist very quiet lately? I haven't seen more than
1 or 2 messages per day in over a week. Just thought I'd check to see if
it's just quiet, or my system.

Now for something on topic..., since I have your attention now, I can't
believe I've stumped the vector gods with my G08 image reversal question.
Anybody have any thoughts on how I can get the image right again? So far,
all I know for sure is that it's the Y axis that needs flipped.

In case you've forgotten what I asked...I'm pulling my Star Trek game out of
the disintegrating Asteroids Deluxe cabinet. The image is reversed for
reflection off of the AD cab mirror, I need to reverse it back to normal for
direct viewing.

Any help would be appreciated. I'm not very tech orientated, so instructions
such as... "take the yellow and blue wires that go to the yoke from the
deflection board and swap their positions at the yoke connector" would be
best. ;^)

Thanks for reading.
Tom Cloud

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Received on Fri Jan 5 11:49:45 2001

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