Thank you all!

From: Neil Bradley <>
Date: Mon Feb 05 2001 - 04:55:27 EST

Thank you fellow vectorians! I believe it was Rodger Boots who referred me
to Richardson Electronics. I bought a new 19 inch tube for my Asteroids,
resoldered everything on the deflection board, and I now have an
INCREDIBLY sharp Asteroids machine! Wow! What a difference!

I'm now thinking about future modifications to my Asteroids machine... Hey
Clay, got that vector multigame going yet? I made the 6502 code for Lunar
Lander, Asteroids, and Asteroids Deluxe completely relocatable. Let's

Also, has anyone tried installing a subwoofer in the base of the
cabinet? I'm thinking a good car stereo amp with a crossover connected to
speaker level outs (with proper converter, of course) would really sound
awesome! Shake the house with those 'roids explosions!


Neil Bradley Torture is being forced to listen to a Kenny G., Yanni,
Synthcom Systems, Inc. Philip Glass, and John Tesh collaboration.
ICQ #29402898

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