> >My Asteroids machine has really bad hum. Well, "really bad" is normal,
> >actually. Is there anything I can do to thwart this?
> Would that hum be in the audio, video or both?
It's the audio.
> Also, when you say hum, is that 60Hz or is it noise
> coupling over from the bus?
It's 60Hz.
> Also, if this is A in an AD or AD in an A cabinet, they
> used different levels to drive the AF amp.
This is an Asteroids cabinet, but I get the same amount of hum from
Asteroids boards as Asteroids Deluxe boards.
Neil Bradley Torture is being forced to listen to a Kenny G., Yanni,
Synthcom Systems, Inc. Philip Glass, and John Tesh collaboration.
ICQ #29402898
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Received on Mon Feb 5 18:53:25 2001
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